Registration Guideline

Registration Fee 注册费详情

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the conference committee will take action against any author who engages in either practice.


Category (费用条款)

早鸟注册费 (人民币/美金)
Regular Registration
Before 10 June, 2025
Regular Registration
After 10 June, 2025
Author (Student)
3650 CNY/500 USD  4030 CNY/550 USD

IEEE Members


 3850 CNY/530 USD 4220 CNY/580 USD

Committee Member


 4030 CNY/550 USD 4400 CNY/600 USD
Author (Regular)
4250 CNY/580 USD 4620 CNY/630 USD
Presenter Only
2800 CNY/380 USD 3150 CNY/430 USD
2200 CNY/300 USD 2560 CNY/350 USD
Additional Paper(s)
2900 CNY/400 USD
Extra Proceedings (Hard Copy)


510 CNY/70 USD
Additional Page
510 CNY/70 USD


Registration fee for author include 作者注册费包含以下内容:
1. Publication Fee; 2. Coffee, Tea, Refreshments, Lunch and Dinner 3. 15 Minutes Presentation Time; 4. Conference materials (Conference Proceedings, Conference Program, Certificate, etc.)

1. 出版费; 2. 会议用餐以及茶歇;3. 15分钟左右的报告时间;4. 会议资料(会议论文集,会议日程,参会证书等)

Registration fee for presenter include 报告人注册费包含以下内容:
1. Coffee, Tea, Refreshments, Lunch and Dinner; 2. 15 Minutes Presentation Time; 3. Conference materials (Conference Proceedings, Conference Program, Certificate, etc.)

1. 会议用餐以及茶歇;3. 15分钟左右的报告时间;4. 会议资料(电子版会议论文集,会议日程,参会证书等)

Registration fee for Delegate include 听众以及陪同人员的注册费包含以下内容:
1. Coffee, Tea, Refreshments, Lunch and Dinner; 2. Conference materials (Conference Proceedings, Conference Program, Certificate, etc.)

1. 会议用餐以及茶歇;3. 会议资料(电子版会议论文集,会议日程,参会证书等)

Note 注意事项: 
1. Each paid registration covers only one paper; you can pay Additional Paper Fee (400 USD/2900元) for one more paper from the same first author who already has a paid registration. 每一个作者注册费只包含1篇文章。如果是相同第一作者注册的第二篇文章可以享受第二篇文章的注册优惠 2600元/篇。
2. The paper is limited within 5 pages. Additional page will be charged 70 USD per page. 超过5页的文章将收取超页费 70美金或是510人民币/页。
3. One regular registration with one or more additional papers get only one proceedings. 同一个作者的2篇及其以上的注册只包含1本会议论文集。 
4. At least one author for each accepted final paper must pre-register. 1篇文章需要至少注册1个作者。
5. Other co-authors or accompanying person can register as the Delegate. 1篇文章的其余作者或是陪同人员可注册为听众。
6. One Day Tour is optional for all participants (on payment basis). (一日游费用额外缴纳 。)
7. Only the first author is student could enjoy student registration fee. (只有第一作者是学生才可以享受学生价。请注册时附上学生证等证明文件的扫描件。)
8. Please take care of your safety and all personal belongings, and wear your name tags during the whole conference. No responsibility or liability is accepted by conference organizer in respect of any loss or damage.(会议期间,请参会作者注意保管个人贵重物品,会务组对参会作者物品遗失不承担任何责任。)

Refund Policy 会议退款政策: 
If the participants request cancellation and refund due to personal reasons, the following refund policy applies.
* 60 days ahead of the conference: 60% of payment refund
* 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
* Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund

Property Safety 财物安全: 
For the safety of your own property and that of others, please do not bring valuables. If you are bringing any, please take good care of your belongings. The conference organizer shall not be responsible for any of your loss. Thanks for your cooperation.

为了你自己和他人的财产安全, 请勿携带贵重物品。如您有携带,请妥善保管好您的随身物品。会议组织者将不对您的任何损失负责。感谢您的配合。

Accommodation 会议住宿: 
Accommodation is not included in registration fee, the delegates need reserve rooms themselves,we advise you reserve rooms as early as you can. Except the conference hotel, you are free to reserve rooms nearby.



Registration Procedure 注册流程

1. Complete the Payment: You can pay with credit card or bank transfer; the payment link and bank account information can be found when you click the registration link, which indicated on the notification letter. Update the final paper, payment proof to the online system when you process the registration.

2. Payment Confirmation (Email Only) : You will receive a confirmation email from the conference secretary once the payment is confirmed.

3. Official Receipt: The official receipt of your registration fee will be collected at the on-site registration desk.

Registration Request 注册要求

1. When the registration is fully completed and paid, each participant will receive an email of confirmation from the conference secretary.

2. At least one of the authors listed on the accepted paper must pay the registration by the requested registration deadline.

3. A student claiming a student registration must submit: a scanned copy of the student’s ID card or a verification letter of the student’s full-time status from the department head of the student’s current institution or the student’s supervisor. Current school year has to be included and clearly stated in the document. Student registrations are not applicable to postdoctoral fellows. And you should be the First Author of your paper.

4. In a paper with more than one author, all the authors attending the conference must complete their registration individually.

5. Please upload the required documents:①final paper; ②signed copyright form; ③payment proof online to finish the registration.

7. You may also use one of the following templates for Microsoft Word: A4, US letter. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process, and all submissions must be done through iConf submission system.

Delegate Registration 听众注册

There is no need to submit any articles if you only want to attend the conference as Delegate. You can register directly. Easy and Quick.


Camera-ready Guidelines for Authors 终稿注意事项
1. Check carefully your submission information in the Camera Ready. The information will be used to automatically generate the table of contents of the proceedings, the author's index, the book of abstracts and the final program of the conference.

2. You must also upload a zip file to conference scretary to finish the registration process: / 注册时需提交以下材料:
Formated final paper. / 论文终稿
A completed and signed copyright form. / 签署版权转让书
A proof of the payment of your registration fee. / 付款证明
A filled registration form. / 填写好的注册表
Letter from the student's institution with a college or University letterhead, stating that the student is pursuing a degree in the University (if your registration is "student rate"). / 学生证等证明文件的扫描件。
*The organizing committees reserves the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.
*Losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liabled and refunds policy shall not apply as well.


Copyright Instruction 版权指导

IEEE Copyright Download


Sample of the IEEE Copyright (Handwriting format)