Invited Speakers

Invited Speakers 邀请报告人


Prof. Jianwen Sun

Central China Normal University, China


Jianwen Sun is currently a Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor with the National Engineering Research Center of Educational Big Data and Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Central China Normal University. His education qualifications include Bachelor and PhD degrees in educational technology, both from the Central China Normal University. He is currently serving as the Deputy Secretary General of Research Association of Learning Sciences, CAHE (China Association of Higher Education), and also the Deputy Secretary General of Technical Committee on Intelligent Education, CAA (Chinese Association of Automation). His research interests include educational data mining, computational learning sciences, and intelligent tutoring systems. He has authored or coauthored more than 30 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings including Nature Computational Science, ACM TOIS, IEEE TNNLS/TEVC/TII/TLT/TCE, AAAI, WWW, and ACM MM. He is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), and China Computer Federation (CCF).



Assoc. Prof. Vincent CS Lee

Monash University, Australia ( IEEE Senior Member)


Vincent CS Lee is currently an Associate Professor with the Faculty of IT, Monash University and a Senior Member of IEEE. His education qualifications include Bachelor and Master degrees in EEE, both from the National University of Singapore; MBA from Henley Management College in Oxford, England; BBus (Hons 1st class in Economics & Finance) and MBus (Accountancy), both from RMIT University in Melbourne; and PhD degree from University of Newcastle, NSW in Australia. He is an active researcher and educator (with Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching from Monash University) with 30 years as academicians for four universities including Monash University and Swinburne University, both in Melbourne, joint Monash-South East University in Suzhou, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was visiting Professors with School of Economics and Management, and School of Computing and Technology, Tsinghua University in Beijing. Lee’s research and higher education teaching (developed and delivered undergraduate and postgraduate courses) span multi-disciplinary domains across IT, Digital Health, Signal and Information Processing, Financial Engineering (FinTech), Educational Data Mining (with learner-centric education technology tools), Explainable AI, Deep ML, Computer Vision for dynamic objects tracking, and Multi-agent Autonomous Systems. Lee has published 200+ papers in IEEE/ACM SCImago ranked Q1 High Impact factors of Journals, and in CORE A/A* Peer-review International Conferences proceedings (AAAI, IJCAI, ICDM, ICWS, ICDE, PAKDD, CIKM, WWW, IEEE IC Signal Processing, IC-EDM). Lee also served as invited keynote speakers for a number of these IEEE and ACM Flagship conferences’ and General Chair and Co-chair of steering committees and technical programs.


Senior Lecturer Dr. Qingqing Xing

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), China


Dr. Qingqing Xing is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Education Sciences, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). She holds a PhD in Education from Peking University and has more than 23 years of teaching experience in science and technology-oriented universities. She is committed to promoting research ideas and interdisciplinary collaboration, including as a Project Manager in the Bureau of International Cooperation at the National Science Foundation of China and as the Associate Director of the International Office at the Beijing Institute of Technology. These experiences have given her insights into promoting research-oriented education internationally, especially for the world's first interdisciplinary university as HKUST(GZ).
As an education practitioner, Dr. Xing actively explores the pedagogy of Project-Based Learning. In addition to her efforts to teach Interdisciplinary Design Thinking and Effective Academic Communication, she collaborates with interdisciplinary research teams in computational media and arts, metaverse research, and health care. As part of this collaboration, it uses educational technologies and artificial intelligence generated content tools to help students present their research ideas in engaging ways to facilitate their “niche” exploration process, with a focus on developing Self-Organized Maker Education. Within just one year of its inception, HKUST(GZ) research students have actively contributed insights and examples of project-based learning in higher education.



Reader Dr. Neil Gordon

University of Hull, UK

Neil Gordon is a Reader  in Computer Science at the University of Hull in England. Neil is a National Teaching Fellow, and a Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He has produced a number of reports for AdvanceHE, with major ones on the way that technology enhanced learning can enable flexible pedagogy, on the role of assessment in education, and on ways to address issues in retention and attainment in computing education. His awards include University Teaching Fellowships and awards for scholarship in teaching and learning. His research interests include applications of computer science to enable true technology enhanced learning, issues around sustainable development, as well as more discipline specific work on applications of computer algebra and formal methods. He has published over 50 journal articles, a similar number of refereed conference proceedings, along with a variety of book chapters, reports and other publications.


Assoc. Prof. Yang Chen

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China

Yang Chen is currently an associate professor in the college of humanity and social sciences of Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China. She received her bachelor’s degree in mass communication from Communication University of China, master’s degree in digital media from Harbin Institute of Technology, China, and doctoral degree in computer graphics technology with a concentration in human-computer interaction from Purdue University, USA. Her research interests include social media, user experience, environmental communication, and educational gamification. As principal investigator, she has undertaken funded research projects on gamified pro-environmental communication, gamification in second language acquisition, and big data and education resources, which were funded by national/provincial social science foundations. She has publications in international journals including International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, sustainability, and International Journal of Language, Literature and Linguistics. She also published in international conferences such as ICBDE, ICESS, ICIET, WCEEE, and ELEARN. In addition, she serves as a reviewer for several prestigious international journals (such as Information, Communication & Society, Information Processing and Management, Social Media and Society, Behaviour & information Technology, and Interacting with Computers) and international conferences in the fields of social media, technology, and education.



Asst. Prof. Qi Cao

University of Glasgow, UK

Dr. Qi Cao is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, U.K. and Singapore. He obtained his PhD degree from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore in 2007. He obtained his Bachelor of Engineering degree from HuaZhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan China in 2000. He has been with several organizations for many years research experiences. His research areas include Computational Intelligence, Data Analytics, Computing Science Education, Software Engineering Education, Technology Enhanced Learning with Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR). He has published more than 70 research papers and one book. He is the first inventor of two U.S. patents (granted). He has been the organising committee member of more than 10 international conferences. He has been the guest editor for three special issues on international journals. One of his journal papers received the IEEE MultiMedia 2020 Best Paper Award Runner-Up, by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board.

More details:

Title: Evaluations of Virtual & Augmented Reality Technology Enhanced Learning for Higher Education




Assoc. Prof. Hang Hu

Southwest University, China


Hu Hang, Doctor of Education, doctoral supervisor, Director of Teaching Excellence Center of Teacher Education College of Southwest University, Director of Digital Humanities and Venue Education Research Lab of Sino-Helian-Civilization Mutual Learning Center (postdoctoral supervisor), convener of National (Science and Technology) Subject Education Alliance, expert of Examination Center of Ministry of Education, Vice chairman of Experimental Teaching Branch of China Educational Equipment Industry Association, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of the Primary and Secondary School Information Technology Education Special Committee of the Chinese Society of Education, Chongqing basic education quality monitoring expert, Chongqing social science popularization expert, a number of SCI, SSCI and CSSCI journals external review expert. In recent years, focusing on "deep learning, science and technology and intelligent education", it has published 4 monographs in Chinese and English and more than 60 academic papers. It has been deeply engaged in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and vocational colleges all year long. Its research direction focuses on computing pedagogy, deep learning and educational application, science and technology education, and digital humanities of mutual learning among civilizations.


Title: From Human-machine Integration to Deeper Learning: Paradigm, Methodology and Value Implications


Abstract: Machine deep learning constantly breaks through its own functional boundaries in repeated collisions and interactions with humans, and continues to promote human deeper learning with human-machine integration. This research takes human deeper learning as the core, and based on human-machine consistency from the interdisciplinary perspective, demonstrates the human-machine integration of "learner-centered design" from four aspects of connotation, implementation, mechanism, and assessment to extract the deeper learning paradigm. Therefore, it focuses on the method of human-machine integration to deeper learning, and expounds its specific path with key words such as real situations, interdisciplinary, intelligentization, big idea, personalized cooperative learning, thinking and innovation, so as to build a new education ecology of human-machine integration and improve learners' real-problem-solving ability.

Keywords: deeper learning; interdisciplinary; real problem solving; man-machine integration; new ecology of education



Assoc. Prof. Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri

Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Dr. Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri is an Associate Professor in Department of Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University. He is providing teaching and conducting research in Pharmacy Informatics, Pharmacy Education and Pharmacy Management. He also a member of information technology committee of The Pharmacy Council of Thailand; member of pharmacy education sub-committee of The Pharmacy Education Consortium of Thailand (PECT).


Asst. Prof. Taotao Long

Central China Normal University, China


Taotao Long is an assistant professor in the Department of Science Education at the Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education in Central Normal University. She has got the Ph.D in educational technology at the University of Tennessee, USA. Her research interests include professional development for science teachers, integrating technology in the classroom, and teaching of thinking. She has worked as the principal investigator investigator of a variaty of projects, including the NSFC (National Science Foundation in China) projoct. In the past five years, she has published more than 10 papers on the SSCI indexed journals as the first or corresponding author.



Assoc. Prof. Fang Xu

Nantong University, China

Associate Professor of Educational Technology, College of Educational Science, Nantong University, Master Supervisor, Ph.D., is engaged in the research of digitalisation in education. He has published more than 60 academic papers in domestic and international journals, including one SSCI source journal and 15 CSSCI source journals as the first author, of which two were reprinted in the Renmin University of China Newspaper and Periodical Reprints. He has published 6 academic monographs in Science Press, People's Publishing House, China Social Science Publishing House and Jilin University Press. He has presided over more than 20 projects, including the General Project of the National Social Science Foundation, the Key Project of the National Education Examination Scientific Research Planning Project, the Online Education Fund of the Ministry of Education, the Social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, the Social Science Foundation of Henan Province, the Key Research and Development and Promotion Programme of Henan Province (Soft Science Project), the Key Scientific Research Project of Henan Province Colleges and Universities, the Social Science Foundation of Gansu Province, the Key Project of the Chinese Society of Higher Education for Education Informatisation, and the National Scientific Research Project of Foreign Languages, and so on. He has won more than ten awards, including the Third Prize of Philosophy and Social Science Achievements of Jiangsu Universities, the First Prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Award of Education Science Planning of Henan Province, the Second Prize of Excellent Scientific Research Achievements of Gansu Universities, the Second Prize of Philosophy and Social Science of Nantong City, and other various awards. He was awarded the 2020 Young Backbone Teachers of Universities in Henan Province. He is now an expert in appraising the achievements of the National Social Science Foundation.


Title: Research on Educational Technology: Combination of Structural Equation and Qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets


Abstract: At present, structural equation and qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets are both methods used in social science research. But the combination of the two has not been paid attention to in research of educational technology. Both of them study the influencing factors, that is, the relationship between variables. Both of them have to go through theoretical model construction, empirical and quantitative research. At the same time, they are different, one is the relationship between two variables, and the other is the effect of variable combination. These two approaches can be used together to deepen existing research. There are also combinations, which are in the areas such as management, but not many in the fields of education. The combination of the two can confirm and complement each other. The combination of the two has applicability in practical problem solving in educational technology. Educational technology is a cross-discipline, itself involves a number of disciplines, such as computer science, pedagogy, management, economics, sociology, etc. The reality of the problem of educational technology often involves a number of factors. Qualitative comparative analysis of fuzzy sets is applicable in solving educational technology problems . At the same time, structural equation is applicable to solve the relationship between single variables. Education application of combinations of the two ways has its applicability, including the two complement each other, the results of qualitative analysis of fuzzy sets can confirm the results of structural equations and the qualitative analysis of fuzzy sets can also draw the conclusion that the structural formula can't be obtained. A case study on human-computer co-teaching is given. The combination of these two methods has a certain prospect for the future research on the development of educational technology.



Prof. Yu Xiong

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China


Yu Xiong is currently a Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor with Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT), and the executive director of  Chongqing Municipal Research Center for Educational Big Data. He also serves as the Vice Chairman of Technical Committee on Intelligent Education of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), the Secretary General of Chongqing Higher Education Steering Committee for Teaching Informatization and Teaching Innovation, and the Senior Member of China Computer Federation (CCF). His research interests include artificial intelligence and smart education, pattern recognition and machine learning, and educational data mining. He has taken more than 20 research projects of provincial and ministerial level, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Chongqing Special Key Project for Technology Innovation and Application Development, Chongqing Key Research Project for Higher Education Teaching Reform, etc. He has published more than 60 academic papers in SCI, EI, CSSCI journals and conference proceedings. Besides, he was awarded 3 the first prize of Provincial and Ministerial-Level Science and Technology Awards and 1 the first prize of Provincial and Ministerial-Level Teaching Achievement Award.